I can't believe that there is a need to have this record.
But it happened in Taiwan these days.
Hotel Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport
諾富特華航桃園機場飯店 (桃園縣)
Take care of yourself. No one will be responsible for your safety! People without any identification may break in anytime!
Warning! This hotel is not safe at all! Their staff will illegally break into your room with the policemen without your permission and a valid search warrant if your political tendency is against that of KMT⋯⋯ or CPC. Stay away from this hotel if you value your privacy and human rights.
警告!這家飯店不安全。如果你的政治傾向與中國國民黨或中國共產黨有異,飯店人員會與警方非法破門而入進入你合法訂用的客房,而且不會出示有效的搜索令。 為了你的人身安全與隱私,請勿入住這家飯店。
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