2012年1月11日 星期三


今天閱讀了Foreign Affairs今年Jan/Feb期刊中名為Balancing the East, Upgrading the West的文章時,看到了一段讓我觸目驚心的文字。

這篇文章談的是美國應該在未來中如何定位自己,作者是Zbigniew Brzezinski  wiki 中算有詳述他的背景。至於讓我覺得可怖的文字如下

...Third, the future status of Taiwan could become the most contentious issue between the two countries(US&China). Washington no longer recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign state and acknowledges Beijing's view that China and Taiwan are part of a single nation. But at the same time, the United States sells weapons to Taiwan. Thus, any long-term U.S.-Chinese accommodation will have ta address the fact that a separate Taiwan, protected indefinitely by U.S. arms sales, will provoke intensifying Chinese hostility. An eventual resolution along the lines of former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's well-known formula for Hong Kong of "one country, two systems," but redefined as "one country, several systems," may provide the basis for Taipei's eventual reassociation with China, while still allowing Taiwan and China to maintain distinctive political, social and military arrangements (in particular, excluding the deployment of People's Liberation Army troops on the island). Regardless of the exact formula, given China's growing power and the greatly expanding social links between Taiwan and mainland, it is doubtful that Taiwan can indefinitely avoid a more formal connection with  China....




不想要被認為是中國人?不想成為中華人民共和國台灣特區的一員? 就得看未來的國家領導人是誰了!希望,1月14日後,當選的,是真的以台灣的利益為優先,台灣人民的利益第一的總統。



