From the news we can know the way the PRC gov to deal with the situation. The gov try its best to change the focus to the story that the Uighurs might hurts the hans live there. And the hans migrated there believed and take their action to protect themselves. Do you believe this is the way a gov try to make any peace on a land? If this is the way PRC gov done these years, no wonder why the Uighurs want to be independent from China.
The gov spoke beauty words to public but did different things to the local - the aboriginal ones. Or tell me why the hans live there is so scare that the Uighurs would hurt them? Who tell them? or Who make the situation?
PRC gov has the same steps to Tibet. Those who live on their homeland are almost expired by the Han people migrated there by the gov. I know one "small" riot happened last year. In this condition, what would happen in Tibet in the future?
Tell to the leader of each country that if the population of your country has Chinese more than quarter of one-third, you had better notice that your country land might belong to PRC automatically adn other race might become minority and shouldn't express any different opinion, especially opinions about politics.
Will you believe the behaviour the Han migrated to xinjiang means the PRC gov sincerely wants to stay peace with local men? Some might, but I don't.