2009年7月6日 星期一

We must have our own way to speak out!!!

Scores killed in China protests

China gov try their best to colonize xinjian, a land far west from their political center. The news I quote above told us one thing-- we have to get our own way to speak out, or our voice would be replaced by the one who own and might hurt ourselves.

The media in Taiwan don't know anything except flatter the despot of PRC. What they do now will pay the cost in the not far future. Look at the media in Hong Kong now, and we'll know what would happen.

We Taiwanese don't have our own media to speak out loudly that we're not part of PRC. Don't tell me ftv is one. When the KMT play tricks on the activity-- party, army, and politician step out the media, DPP, the stupid one really did but KMT doesn't. Therefore, in my opinion, I don't think ftv in the medium belong to Taiwanese people.

Isn't there any group in Taiwan which could help ourselves? Sigh...will the group grow fast enough before the hand of PRC take our homeland?

All I can say is the weakest one could say...
May God bless Taiwan, the land and the men.



