2009年7月10日 星期五

the gov shows its real attempt

China reimposes curfew in Urumqi

From the article and the analysis, the gov shows its real attempt--get more riot police into the homeland of Uighurs. To lower down the rate of Uighurs in Xinjiang and claim Xinjiang is the land that can't be seperated from China.

Similar words, isn't it? Tibets face the same condition.

The gov doesn't mind the people live on that land. It only cares about the natural sources on the land. The poor Uighurs and Tibetans. Their homeland is too close to China that riot polices from China gov can get in their land as quick as possible --the railroad built by the gov to Tibet is really one of the trasportation line to send those "riot policemen".

I don't know what other countries would do to this event. But I do ask those gov's to think about the main idea of their own countries. If they really want to have their own spirit in the future, they had better not to believe what China gov claims and let China gov to do what it does without any objection. Or someday, these gov's near China would face similar condition like xinjiang and Tibet.



